October 13, 2009

Ready, Set...

Take-off is in four and a half hours, right now I'm sitting at home finishing up a few things and waiting for Dan to get home. I'm SO excited.

Everything I planned to bring fit into my backpack (a testament to my planning skills or to my backpack? We'll say both.). Impressive, really. I've said my goodbyes, although it's really only 5 weeks. That's not THAT long. Although it feels like it is.

I got three vaccines (and one mild reaction... thank you mom for clearing that up... hah) and have a bunch of different pills for all sorts of things. No Malaria, altitude sickness or explosive diarrhea here! Too far? Sorry.

So I'll be flying into Santiago at 11:30 tomorrow morning to meet a very excited Chris (and B??!) and then staying with the boys for a week or so if they'll keep me that long. (I love you both!) After that, I'm not so sure on the Mendoza plan, but we'll see. Maybe I'll just go straight north through Chile.

I've made it through most of the first level of my Rosetta Stone Spanish course... I'm not very good, in fact I'd say I'm terrible, but I'm over it. I have the gist of how the language works, my bumbling French skills, a phrasebook and lots of willpower/miming skill. I'll be juuuust fine.

If you want a postcard, send me your address!

So goodbye Ottawa, see you in five weeks. Here's to a safe flight and successful baggage transfers.


  1. Hey old girl...I am proud of you,enjoy and stay safe....luv...gran
