October 18, 2009

Hello, pisco.

Today outside it's sunny and warm. We're going to the beach. I am never coming back to Canada.

... just kidding.

The past few days have been fantastic. Friday I went wandering again. I found a market and bought some veggies, managed to communicate somewhat. Although I only wanted one onion and somehow I got a whole kilo, so we'll call it a partial success (rice and onions! Yum. Hah.) I saw some sea lions basking in the sun out by one of the piers in Valparaiso. Incredible. They're enormous! Friday night we drank some vino and I went to bed and was a good kid, but last night we got into the pisco and danced til 5.

Pisco is a wine-based brandy, Chilean or Peruvian in origin, depending who you ask. To me it tastes like wine meets vodka with some sugar, and it has exactly that effect on me. Ayeeeeeyeye. Hahaha. Delicious. Chris and I split most of a bottle last night playing poker with some of the other exchange students and a few Chilean friends. (For the record, I came fourth out of eight or nine. Poker champ.) and then we met up with B and we all went and tore up a dance floor.

The more I wander this city the more I like it. It's scruffy but it's so flashy. Valparaiso is colour, colour, colour. From down by the water, the houses look like jellybeans cascading down the hills, all different shapes and colours, stacked on top of each other. The graffiti seems to be a national art form, it's everywhere. You can track different artists by looking at the style of the graffiti. There's graffiti on the doors of the people who live in the slightly dicier areas because, well, it's hard to stop an artist sometimes, door or no. There's hardly a wall untouched.

You go ten minutes by bus to the sister city of Vina del Mar, and it's a totally different story. The buildings are ritzy and new, the streets are clean, there aren't any dogs begging for scraps. There are two Starbucks. Wait, what country are we in?! That's where the best beaches are, too, and they're gorgeous.

As far as my game plan goes, there's been a few changes. I think I'm going to give Mendoza a pass. It'd be fantastic to see, for sure, but I think for this trip it's too far out of the way. So from Valparaiso, on approximately Tuesday I'm going back to Santiago for maybe a night. Then I'll head north, probably by bus, to Iquique. Surfing and paragliding for a couple days, and then to San Pedro de Atacama. Mostly I'm just trying to make this all happen so that I can have the most time possible in Peru. Touristy, yes, awesome, clearly. If I end up with enough time I might check out Nazca and the Nazca lines. Wikipedia that. (Piper! Wikipedia challenge: "Nazca lines" to "banana". ie what I am living on... hah.)

Well everyone, have a fantastic Sunday. I will be on a beach, missing Hartholt family dinner. A little sad about that.

PS... shout out to my Mom's office friends, who apparently are following my trip. Hi!! Thank you!! :)



  1. Pisco's origins aré in Peru but it is also widely enjoyed in Chile. This is no longer an issue:-). Btw, all brandy is made from wine.

  2. Hey hey kid,

    i finally found your blog, seems like your having a killer time, im totally jelous of you, enjoy

  3. Thanks greg, glad you found it.

    And thank you for the info, anonymous! Chileans keep telling me pisco comes from Chile, but I could see how national bias pushes that issue a little. haha.

  4. It took me 2 minutes, from 8:17 until 8:19. I also learned that bananas are a false seed.

    I will just say this re Nazca... watch out for the aliens. Just because some doctor in Kentucky says that people did it doesn't mean that is true.

  5. Hey Sarah! Well, my mom forwarded me the link to your blog and now I'm completely addicted. I am so jealous of your travels and of the amazing sceneries and cultures you are so lucky to be seeing. I admire your writing style and look forward to reading new posts. Have a blast!!!

  6. Hi Monica!! Thanks for checking it out, glad to see you´re following along. Tell everyone down east that I love them!!
