October 26, 2009

Desert life, and Chilean women

I am now in one of the driest deserts in the world... the Atacama. I was in the desert in Iquique too, but it doesn´t feel so much like it when you´re flush against the ocean. The sun is HOT. I´m in the town of San Pedro de Atacama, hoping to do some sightseeing and sandboarding tonight and then head out on a tour across the salt flats to Bolivia tomorrow morning.

I have been meaning for a while to make some observations about Chile.

Sexism is the first thing I´ve got to talk about.

In 2005, a woman was elected President of Chile for the first time. That´s wild in a country where divorce was legalized only the year before. In her term in office it seems she's made some striking changes in the realm of equal rights, but good lord is there ever a long way to go. Chile is a very, very traditional, religious society, as many Latin American nations are. But sexism seems to coat things more than I had anticipated, and I was ready for quite a bit of machismo.

I think what makes the blatant sexism so... blatant... is that Chile looks a lot like home in some ways. The cities here are modern, the people advanced. These are not people who have just never been in contact with the outside. (although for many years Chile was rather isolated) They have a thriving mall culture.

And yet, I wore a skirt that reaches my knees, and the sky could have been falling in Santiago. I have never received that kind of attention, especially in a modern, metropolitan city. Cat calls, hisses (also a cat call), kissing noises. To an extent I couldn't believe. And I was totally prepared for attention, given the red hair. It´s young boys right through to 70 year old men. And they don´t pursue anything, I don´t actually feel unsafe, but they will stop anything they're doing to cat call.

The message I have gotten from Chile, and what I've heard from other travelers, is that a woman here has a role, and she should be sticking to it. I've also heard that while Peru is more traditional and old fashioned, there´s less attention, perhaps because Peru is a country more accustomed to tourism and foreigners.

Someone was also telling me the other day that it looks like Michelle Bachellete will lose the upcoming 2010 election, not because she has done anything wrong, or that she hasn't delivered on her promised (although i am not an expert here), but because she is a single mother in a position of power, and that makes the men here uncomfortable.

If you want to be modern, choose based on something more than gender.

And now I cannot remember what else I had saved up for a rant, but I will continue later. Back to wandering around this desert town!



  1. Is not a thing of machism the cat calls... they do that just for having fun, besides STARES IN CHILE ARE VERY NORMAL.. in the streets you cross your eyes with tons of people, and no one make a deal about it.. So to me is more of a cultural thing, rather than a Machism thing.. womans look you in the eyes too.. if they find you attractive, or i don't know...

    I think your comment is like saying that all chileans are horby people because they greet each other with a kiss... or because the sense of "personal space" is shorter...

    Is a thing of cultural diferences... Cat calls are bad... but is not a way to slave women or anything like that,,, is just a bad joke. and generally it doesn't have any sexual connotation

  2. Cat calls are (typically) demeaning and portray women as sexual objects, not as people. I would say that extends beyond a "bad joke", regardless of what culture you are in.

  3. Sarrrraaaaahhhh :D how the hell is your trip going!!! Definately miss ya !! I havent been able to go check on dan ive been crazzy busy lol im sure the place is still standing .. i hope lol.. Ive read all your posts and holy crap your all over the place !! It really sounds like an amazing trip !! Definately look forward to seeing pictures !! You better still be tanned when u get back .. that i gotta see !! Be safe and Have tons more fun !! See ya when u get home !!!

  4. Greetings Sarah
    You gave me your 'blogspot address when we met at the CAA store just before your departure..finally I am checking in...clearly you are having a fine time & recording your experiences in an interesting & informative way..yay jounalism training!...continue to enjoy!
    ps I'm certain that your cat & 'cat caregiver' are thriving but missing you!

  5. I think it absolutely goes much farther than cultural difference.

    Cody... miss you buddy!! I certainly hope the house is still standing... I called dan today and he said nothing about burning it down so scoooore. haha. I sooooo have a tan! Kind of. hahah.

    And I am so glad you checked out my blog after meeting in CAA! I was actually thinking about the other day, and I´m glad to see you found it. As far as I´m aware the cat and the boyfriend are living it up in my absence, but missing me clearly! Thanks for checking in!!
